Posts Tagged ‘ science ’

2001: Space Odyssey


if ever there was a definition of cinema it would be this film. It’s weird how you can watch something as a kid and not get it at all. Then when you revisit it later in life it suddenly makes all the sense in the world. I just watched 2001: Space Odyssey again but this time at the Cinerama Dome at the ArcLight in Hollywood. It was magic. Seeing it projected on the curved screen, the quality of film and the big sound. It was as if I was seeing it for the first time. Truly, this is how it is meant to be seen. Began with the overture, even had an intermission. It was spectacular.

Stanley Kubrick. Damn. I never wanted to be a fake fan, of anything, so I generally don’t. But seriously, this film is from a moment (or more) of genius. It is weird when you watch this film, with it’s non-dialogue to story to silence to trippiness and special effects- it all makes sense in the most non-sensical way. There are images and sound and feelings expressed in this film that people just get and connect with.

The sequence at the end…I interpret it as dimension traveling. And it freaks you out because it is stuff you have thought about yourself. At least I have. The thought of bending time and space to make it one continuous loop that you can move through simultaneously. It’s obviously a trip and your brain goes into overdrive to even think at that level. But I love it. I get lost in space thinking quite often and I get existential now and then, this film pretty much sums up the thought process. And it’s not that it makes you feel any better; it just makes it so that you can see it and understand it as it plays out in front of you instead of in your head.

The acting. There is this quiet control in Kubrick’s direction of his actors. I wish I could have seen him direct because there’s something he does that just makes it all the more believable. The characters were great. Dr. Heywood R. Floyd (William Sylvester) has this cool demeanor about him, this quiet intelligence of knowing something that we nor his peers don’t have the pleasure of knowing. Dr. Dave Bowman (Keir Dullea) has to be one the best ever written. By far he gets the best scenes: from a standoff with HAL 9000 (Douglas Rain) to traveling through the psychedelic sequence and facing every moment of his entire life…He was so much fun to watch. Then there’s Dr. Frank Poole (Gary Lockwood) who was just plain cute. I loved his interaction with . When they are sitting together eating their meal and watching their interview. I love how they don’t talk to each other because they don’t have to; they just know each other so well and don’t need to. I like how all the characters don’t ever go above volume and never have a dramatic freakout. And HAL, hands down the favorite. It was very intuitive of Kubrick to write a computer character that would turn on its maker. I feel like it was a type of thinking ahead of its time, or at least the best portrayal of such a concept even to date. I loved the sequence when Bowman dismantles HAL, it was so destructive without having dramatic action. It was all done through sound and visuals. Those are my favorite moments because Kubrick is invoking a feeling through the abstract.

so good. that’s all.



this is called the Stellar Spine in the Eagle Nebula. Discovered by Jean-Philippe de Cheseaux, the Eagle Nebula is a cluster of stars found in the constellation Serpens. Oh, it’s about over five million years old.

another solar flare.


what is that? Oh, just a flare. It erupted from Active Region 11598- say the scientists at SDO (Nasa’s Solar Dynamic Observatory), which is a solar-dedicated telescope monitoring the sun’s activity constantly. When this impulsive flare was captured it was seen as a flash of bright white light coming off of the sun’s surface last night. What does all of this mean? Basically we’re all gonna die. Just kidding, maybe. Solar flares occur on sun spots and is usually the cause of super high magnetic activity (read: radiation). This one happened to rank extraordinarily high- in the X class, which is the most powerful the sun’s storms. Eek! What’s cool about it? Coronal mass ejections (plasma) shoots through space and when it gets to Earth it can cut off radio communication and power due to geomagnetic forces. Feel safe? Didn’t think so. Expect even more solar fun in 2013, when the sun’s magnetic activity will be at its peak! Woo-hoo. But let’s look on the literal bright side here, if you’re down for some auroras action, make sure to watch the northern and southern lights for some fancy color washes.   

shooting star.

I’m sitting on a green iron bar chair by the pool, which is lit up- emitting a dark azure glow at my feet. I got a pedicure today but only after a semi-thorough grilling of the salon’s cleanliness S & P.

I come out here every night just to sit and stare at the deep violet sky. I’ve been looking at the same constellations all my life. But what’s beyond all this that gleans for all mankind to see. The thing is, I want to go beyond that…The final frontier so appropriately titled.

I want to know and theorize with the physicists, mathematicians and scientists. Especially Leonard Susskind. I want my brain to explode. Sounds a little dark but I want to keep thinking, deeply. This is the only way I function. What has been done and continues to be done does not interest me enough to bear it for decades to come.

I want to go in. In search of Dark Matter maybe or perhaps trying to understand the particle accelerators. What I have learned about myself is is that I will never be able to live depression free. And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, hell, I agree with those that say we are just realists when it comes down to it.

I will always wonder and grow curious. And as I sit here wondering about all the paths that lay before me…Suddenly, a spark or maybe a flash but it was there, just for a brief moment, a shooting star to punctuate my ponderings.