Posts Tagged ‘ fat fighter ’

ayurveda fat loss

I still love Dr. Oz, that’s never gonna change. I saw an episode where he had a great Indian doctor, Kurleet Chaudhary, who specializes in ayurvedic medicine. She talked about how easy it is to get your body back in shape by simply shifting your regular eating practices. 

Fat Fighting Tea

1/2 teaspoon whole cumin

1/2 teaspoon whole fennel

1/2 teaspoon whole coriander

Throw it all in some boiling water for five minutes and then sip on this tea all day long. Try to do this a few times a week. 

Another fat fighting, detoxifying, body strengthener: Triphala. This is made up of three superfruits: Amalaki, which works as an antioxidant, Haritaki, a detox-er/colon cleanser, and Bibhitaki, basically a fat melter. You can take it in powder form. 1/2 teaspoon of Triphala, 1 teaspoon of psyllium fiber, 1/2 teaspoon flaxseed in warm water and go for it. If you an’t handle it take it in pill form, take two tablets an hour before bed. 

Another way to reduce fat and get those pounds to shed is by reorganizing the calories in your meal. Basically eat 25% of your calories for Breakfast, 50% for Lunch and the remaining 25% for Dinner. Dr. Chaudhary says that your body’s digestion is at its best during lunch, so you can basically throw down during this hour. But don’t throw down after 7p because your body does not want to work at night and so your fat will be stored causing you to pack the pounds. So what should your meals look like? Breakfast should be easy to digest- egg whites, oatmeal, fruit. Lunch should be your heaviest- meats, cheese, desserts. Dinner has to be the lightest- soups, cooked veggies.

Last fat fighter is adding curry powder to all your meals. It helps you feel satiated and will help you to eat less. If the ones in the stores are too spicy for you, it’s easy to make: 

  • 5 tsp coriander seeds
  • 1 tsp fenugreek seeds
  • 1 large bay leaf
  • 1/2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1/2 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1 small (1 1/2 inch) cinnamon stick
  • 5 cloves

Grind em up in a coffee/spice grinder. Once blended add 2 tsp of turmeric powder. That’s your curry powder! 

Gharshana is a massage that helps with lymphatic flow. Not meant to be gentle it’s supposed to be vigorous. You apply pressure with raw silk gloves ($20, online) in whichever areas you want less fat. Go crazy with this to see results. 


the fight for a fat fighter. Let’s all just stop looking (and fighting) and focus in on safflower for a minute. An age old secret weapon, first discovered in Egypt over 4,000 years ago. It comes in oil form and supplement form (and others of course). I was watching this really awesome episode of Dr. Oz, which is how I came upon this knowledge. And, not like this matters, but Montel Williams swears by it (lost two inches in 11 weeks without even trying although he tries to maintain a healthy lifestyle). Apparently it is designed to be eaten thirty minutes before you eat, and it helps shift the craving for that sugary dessert afterward. Other ways to get this omega-6 fatty acid it… Look for 6 mg. of linolenic acid in the supplement form. Look for 7-10 g polyunsaturated fat when looking for an oil. Sunflower seeds can also be eaten (3 tsp. a day) to get those same benefits. An Ohio University study showed that although women didn’t lose weight while on the oil, they did lose a good amount of body fat. And then Oz asked a panel of doctors their opinion and they were split. So he said, try it for three months, see what happens. I’m all for that, why not?