meditation challenge: day eight

Today’s Centering Thought: With awareness, I create healthy habits.
Sanskrit Mantra: Om Kriyam Namah (My actions are aligned with cosmic law.)

Here we go onto week two! Also, my yoga challenge is almost at a close- pretty crazy.

Chopra explains that whenever we have an experience our mind is either: unconscious, aware or self-aware.
Usually we are most developed in the unconscious and aware modes. The former keeps us living: breathing, heart beating, etc. This is also what operates our habits. But when you’re breathing and you’re actively controlling it, then you’re aware of it. Chopra stresses that to get to our true selves we need to be able to be self-aware. It is self-awareness that can fix old habits. An example is that when you’re sad, you know you’re sad, you’re aware of that but to know why you’re sad then you’re getting toward the mode of self-awareness. It’s where we can start to control ourselves in our lives, make healthy choices, habits, etc.

I think it’s hard to be in this mode though because then your reality changes and then everything shifts. But I know it’s necessary to live the way I want to: happily and healthily.

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